Thursday, April 7, 2011

amnesia. December 2002.

i wrote this a while back when i finally accepted the realization that people just don't care. They take what they need. Smash your skull in, and walk around like everything's roses. They expect you to be ok with everything. They don't wanna accept that they caused another person harm because god forbid they look like assholes infront of other people. This girl was a complete asshole. However i respect her greatly for atoning years later. But she inspired probably my favorite poem ive written. It's called amnesia. I dont forget, do you?

 It's like amnesia, she walks right by and doesn't see ya. You're just a vestige of a forgotten message, heart left in the wreckage as she floats by like wind. Nothing to rescind as uncertainty begins. Distilled from her memory, left with a vacancy painstakingly and achingly breaking me. Wondering where the fuck time was taking me. T'was like day and nite. first sparks ignite, then the fading light, a forgone conclusion i blocked from my sight. But deep down the silent voice was always right.
The thoughts of her still exist. Haunting caucophonus, how could she be so oblivious and just walk from this?! Her image ominous, a simple greeting drenched in awkwardness. If only my memory were bottomless you'd be fuckin gone from it. Into the pit of thoughts i fall to bits. A warm embrace replace by a hidden face. Conveniant amnesia to suit her taste. Well taste the rejection and loniliness as you're laid to waste, reduced to writing that i scripted in haste. Don't let my cold heart freeze ya, im just that broken thought behind the clouds of amnesia.

the song i posted was written and recorded for her that year. i was wicked drunk and knew it would piss her off. She actually ended up liking it and it became the fav. song of those who heard my solo demo back in 2003.

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