Wednesday, March 16, 2011

the dying season.

It's Spring, but i am Autumn. Death all around, top to bottom. The winds are paralyzed, there's streams in my eyes. Tree's stand in silence as i walk by. My soul is winter pavement, my heart's about to cave in, no hair on my arms but i feel like shavin'. goin up the highway, followin my ghost. listenin to " my way" as i slowly approach. i gotta bottle of water and a hand written note. lions fight in my stomach and there's still a desert in my throat. 
I try on many scales, i fail. outlined on the sidewalk with out any detail. There's an empty seashell and a train that's derailed, the river's dead dont bother with the sail. i walk the tracks with pine and nails, into the valley where the sun impales. a somber journey, comes to it's hault. put down the magnifying glass, it's nobodys fault. the strongest of rocks are nothing but piles of salt. No heart in the vault. the safe has been cracked. winter may be gone, but it always comes back.

and that was my sad poem. it is the most positive and productive way to relieve myself of negative emotion. It helps put things in perspective, sharpens my writing and vocabulary skills and it makes me stronger. the tone may be sad. but the writer is not.........for now...dun dun dun!!!!

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