Sunday, October 23, 2011

the night breed.

what keeps you awake? heart break? the silence, the echoes, the glare of the tinted landscape? all is dormant on the external, the beauty of night, the home of the nocturnal. the itch is epidermal. i dont scratch. day breaks and and the clouds crack. i lay back until night fall. my early bird is the owl and my muse is on the prowl. With chaos in slumber i crawl from under. no need to hide from lightning, i am the thunder. everything is clear, and i fill with wonder. I am the night breed, born of darkness, end of summer. i can see the air, feel the glare of the moon from the pier. follow the stars to the beginning of nowhere. my mind is free to roam with with sinister shadows, swing through the gallows, discover new worlds and old pharaohs.
They day darkens what's internal. the night sheds light so i live nocturnal. The clock strikes the witching hour, my mind switches to power. opens up a realm where words and colors turn into meteor showers. In the coldest of worlds, in a land all alone. i have no other choice to call the night home. i am the NIGHT BREED.

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