Monday, September 12, 2011

I lit a cigarette

I lit a cigarette, like breathing in relief. like seeing from beneath.
I exhaled a Picaso, abstract lines and rings intertwine as i extinguish my on a plane, a see-saw causing turbulence in my brain.
a runaway, lost on the runway, i got a bus ticket to escape the mundane.
one day i'll exhale. one day i'll set sail. the smoke like fog, i cant see. confusion in the sea
illusions of debris, coming out of me. coughing from my coffin. another drag and im stoppin.
Bus station is empty, its raining in the low seventies. i waltz with my faults down the empty halls.
I light another cigarette before nightfall. no rock to small from which i can crawl. My lungs now heavy
runnin outta oxygen. I flick the ashes and pop a klonopin. I swallow the matches and burn all the toxins in
if we're never gonna talk again you should know what i thought my friend.
you take more of my breath than any cigarette. it's too bad they havent found a cure yet.
and too bad you havent found me . gonna lite another and hope you discover that when the smoke clears
the turbulence will go as these words hit your ears. But ive gotta catch another bus, to give you the painting,
i hope that your'e waiting. i'll be with the others on the thin ice, skating.

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