Tuesday, August 16, 2011

vicoden and the scottish play.

Things come and go but one thing's for certain. We're just players on a stage waiting for the final curtain, hurtin'

Time is borrowed. Tomorrow, tomorrow. Will there ever be an end to this constant sorrow? Blood drips like candle wax,

final act. We're not coming back. Reduced to artifacts as our light fades to black. We strut and fret upon the hour,

then we're devoured, by drowning showers sent from a higher power. Pain evoked through the somber notes

the final chapter he wrote before i ever spoke. Throughout time we sustain what seems an endless pain, but its

all too short like a candles brief flame. A shadow that was cast by a vestige from hour past. Tears fall like broken glass

but it all ends fast. Just a part of a design we're all on borrowed time but im gonna get mine before my light cease to shine.

Our seeds were sown long before they were planted, but as long as i'm standing i'll take nothing for granted as i'm dealing

with the cards that my life handed. Gonna rest in the peace which the world abandoned.

Things come and go but one thing's for certain, we're just players on a stage waiting for the final curtain, hurtin'

Life is hollow. Tomorrow, tomorrow. Will there ever be an end to this road we follow? Tears drip like autumn rain

no contained, reduced to sullen frames left with only our names. Stuck in a purgatory. Tales told of sound and fury.

Life's just a page in a never ending story. Lighting flash, i turn to ash. So it was written and shall come to pass.

Death is forever, but life fades fast. Never comin' back, Fuckin never back. Brief our existance in which time will yield.

Just a blade of grass amongst acres of field. Searching for love on a level much higher. Or will i just perish in a lake of fire.

Irrelevant my fate, i can't ignore the present. Life can be unpleasant but its a valuable lesson. I sit amongst the haze with

a sullen gaze longing for the day it all goes away. We all die, we all cease, we all disappear. Our end is near and the writing's

clear. Our seeds were sown long before they were planted but as long as i'm standing i'll take nothing for granted as i'm dealing

with the cards that my life handed. Gonna rest in the place which the world abandoned.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Shhhhhhhhhh :X

Distance. i can still hear. Reverberating in the depths of my fear. I put on my face so you think i'm ok. You put on your shoes, and you walked away.
My thoughts a cacauphony, damned by my autonomy. cant escape these sounds. Freedom;hope, been holding me down. Tied to the tracks, the commuters. they rail. The rage in their eyes. the unbalanced scale. I go back and forth, platform to port. searching for my worth but my journey's cut short. They celebrate my demise. ( my thoughts that is.) They dance on by fuckin high and synchronized. ive no balance. Chemicals are useless when you're the horse behind the wagon. The coarse blood from rusty stabbings. My thoughts at war, collateral damage. But with the austerity of hope i'll somehow manage.
I can no longer convince or mince the words between blunt force and subtle hints. im beginning to finally think ive been hit with the kitchen sink. As the chorus resounds, its with you i am found. You are the element in my sea of compounds. and im a bloody fool with wistfull molecules. combusting like atoms cuz i cant stop fucking loving you. Im tired of the mask. taking myself to task. dying on the inside cuz im living too fast. dreams dont last. Im the blood on the bandage. ive tried, i cant manage. The austerity of hope. has left me damaged.